#1---Set your IP to DHCP.
#2---Install SAMBA by typing this:
root@fm-vm:/home/fm# apt-get install samba
#3---Set back your IP to MANUAL.
#4---Create a folder on the Documents directory name "berbagi_folder":
root@fm-vm:/home/fm# mkdir /home/fm/Documents/berbagi_folder
#5---Create one file, name it "teks_saya.txt":
root@fm-vm:/home/fm# touch /home/fm/Documents/berbagi_folder/teks_saya.txt
#6---Then open it and write a changes (like write your name or anything):
root@fm-vm:/home/fm# nano /home/fm/Documents/berbagi_folder/teks_saya.txt
Muhamad Farihin shared ubuntu folder.
#7---Change the file permission to read write execute:
root@fm-vm:/home/fm# chmod 777 /home/fm/Documents/berbagi_folder/teks_saya.txt
#8---Open the samba configuration file (smb.conf):
root@fm-vm:/home/fm# nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
#---Navigate to the bottom of the page then write this line:
comment = Folder share
path = /home/fm/Documents/berbagi_folder
browseable = yes
read only = no
guest ok = yes
writeable = yes
create mask = 777
#9---Restart SAMBA:
root@fm-vm:/home/fm# service samba restart
#10--Set your windows IP to manual (same class like the ubuntu).
#11--Open shared folder by opening RUN (Window + R), then type \\your ubuntu ip
#12--On succeed connection you will see your shared folder. Sumber http://farihinmuhamad.blogspot.com