Present Continuous Tense – Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat, Soal – Tense is any of the forms of a verb which show the time at which an action happened. Tense ialah bentuk sebuah kata kerja yang mengatakan waktu terjadinya suatu peristiwa/ aksi. Jika sebelumnya kita sudah berguru ihwal Simple Present Tense, kali ini kita akan berguru mengenai jenis Present Tense yang lain, yaitu Present Continuous Tense. Berikut ialah penjelasan, rujukan kalimat, dan soal Present Continuous Tense.
Pengertian dan Fungsi Present Continous Tense
1) Present Continous Tense ialah tense untuk menyatakan agresi atau acara yang kita lakukan di ketika ini (masa sekarang).
Pola Kalimat:
(+) Subject + am/ is/ are + Verb-ing
(-) Subject + am/ is/ are + not + Verb-ing
(?) Am/ is/ are + Subject + Verb-ing + ?
Contoh Kalimat:
(+) I am writing some letters for my parents and my sister now.
(Saya sedang menulis beberapa surat untuk orang renta saya dan adik saya sekarang)
(-) That lion is sleeping near the big tree.
(Singa itu sedang tidur bersahabat dengan pohon besar tersebut)
(?) Are you ordering some foods for our dinner?
(Apakah kau sedang memesan beberapa makanan untuk makan malam kita?)
2) Present Continuous Tense ini juga sanggup dipakai untuk menyatakan agresi atau acara yang niscaya akan dikerjakan di masa yang akan tiba (masa depan).
Contoh Kalimat:
• They are visiting a new museum in the city tomorrow morning.
(Mereka akan mengunjungi sebuah museum gres di kota esok pagi)
• The students are submitting the assignments on Monday.
(Para siswa akan mengumpulkan kiprah – kiprah pada hari Senin)
• Hanna is washing her car after school today.
(Hanna akan mencuci mobilnya sehabis pulang sekolah hari ini)
3) Selain itu, Present Continous Tense berfungsi untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang bekerjasama dengan ‘masa kini’ atau ‘sekarang’, contohnya: tahun ini (this year), hari ini (today), ahad ini (this week).
Contoh Kalimat:
• Brandon is not playing basketball this season. He wants to finish his studies first.
(Brandon sedang tidak bermain basket animo ini. Dia ingin menuntaskan seolahnya dulu)
• My parents are working so hard this week.
(Orang renta saya bekerja dengan sangat keras ahad ini)
• Panji is planning his new project today.
(Panji sedang merencanaan proyek barunya hari ini)
4) Selain fungsi di atas, Present Continous Tense juga sanggup dipakai ketika membicarakan hal mengenai perubahan situasi.
Contoh Kalimat:
• The temperature in these days is increasing very fast.
(Suhu udara selesai – selesai ini sedang meningkat dengan sangat cepat)
• The population in that province is decreasing.
(Populasi penduduk di provinsi itu sedang menurun)
• The total of job applicants is rising very fast this month.
(Total pelamar kerja sedang meningkat dengan sangat cepat bulan ini)
I. Put the verb in the brackets into the correct form.
• Please do not disturb me. I am working (work) now.
• Do you want to play outside? It is not raining (not/ rain) anymore.
• She looks very serious. What is she talking (she/ talk) about?
1. Please don’t be so noisy! I …………………………. (try) to focus on my study for Math test.
2. Hey look! It ………………………….. (rain) outside!
3. Why ……………………………. (you/ look) at her like that? Do you know her?
4. What kind of music …………………………….. (you/ listen) to? Pop or Rock?
5. Excuse me, I ………………………….. (look) for my red book. Is there one here?
6. (In the library) What book ………………………….. (you/ read)? The book cover looks interesting.
7. Those people next door ………………………….. (play) the music too loud. I can’t sleep well.
8. Why …………………………. (he/ wear) a jacket? The weather today is very hot.
9. They ……………………………. (not/ go) to school today. They are on holiday.
10. You ……………………………. (make) a lot of noise. Try to be quiet. We ………………………… (have) an English exam.
II. Read this dialogue between Diana and Sherly. Put each verb into the correct form. The first one has been done for you.
(Diana and Sherly meet in a bookshop)
Diana : Hi, Sherly! Nice to see you again. What (11) are you doing (you/ do) these days?
Sherly : Hey, Diana! I (12) …………………………. (work) here.
Diana : That is good. (13) …………………………. (you/ enjoy) it?
Sherly : Yes, sure! It is very nice to work here. How about you?
Diana : I (14) ……………………… (not/ work) at the moment. I am on vacation.
Sherly : Really? Enjoy it! What book (15) …………………….. (you/ buy) ? Fiction?
Diana : No, I (16) ……………………… (not/ buy) fiction book. This is recipe book.
Sherly : Do you learn to cook?
Diana : Yes, I do.
Sherly : That’s great!
Kunci Jawaban:
1. Am trying
2. Is raining
3. Are you looking
4. Are you listening
5. Am looking
6. Are you reading
7. Are playing
8. Is he wearing
9. Are not going
10. Are making, are having
11. Are you doing
12. Am working
13. Are you enjoying
14. Am not working
15. Are you buying
16. Am not buying
Demikianlah penjelasan, rujukan kalimat, dan soal Present Continuous Tense. Semoga klarifikasi tersebut sanggup meningkatkan pengetahuan Bahasa Inggris sobat – teman. Semoga bermanfaat!
Baca Juga:
Simple Present Tense – Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat, Soal
Contoh Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA
Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Sekolah Menengan Atas Semester 2