Friday, November 24, 2017

√ How To Set Up Messaging/Chatting Server On Ubuntu 14 - Part 1 Openfire

#1---Set your IP to DHCP.

#2---Before step up to the next step, please d0wnl0ad openfire_4.0.4_all.deb, spark_2_8_2.tar.gz, spark.png, and spark_2_8_2.rar (for windows), from the server and place it on the Document directories, or if you want to get it online type this:
root@fm-vm:/home/fm/Documents# wget
root@fm-vm:/home/fm/Documents# wget
root@fm-vm:/home/fm/Documents# wget

#3---Install j4va runtime:
root@fm-vm:/home/fm/Documents# apt-get install default-jre

#4---Set your IP to STATIC.

#5---Open mysql and create a database:
root@fm-vm:/home/fm# mysql -uroot -p
Enter password:

mysql> create database openfiredb;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> quit

#6---Install Openfire:
root@fm-vm:/home/fm# dpkg -i Documents/openfire_4.0.4_all.deb

#---After installing then stop openfire service, then start the service again:
root@fm-vm:/home/fm/Documents# service openfire stop
root@fm-vm:/home/fm/Documents# service openfire start

#7---Open internet browser and type yourdomain:9090 (, it should apear this page:
