Tuesday, December 19, 2017

√ Daftar Preposisi Bahasa Inggris Terlengkap, Arti, Pola Kalimat

Daftar Preposisi Bahasa Inggris Terlengkap, Arti, & Contoh Kalima – Teman – sobat niscaya sering menemukan kata – kata menyerupai “on”, “in”, “under”, atau “beside”. Kata – kata tersebut disebut sebagai kata depan atau ‘Preposition’. Jika sebelumnya kita telah membahas mengenai definisi dan fungsi Prepsition, kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai daftar preposisi. Berikut ialah daftar Preposition Bahasa Inggris terlengkap beserta arti dan pola kalimatnya.



Preposition (kata depan) ialah sebuah kata yang terletak di depan kata benda (noun) atau kata ganti (pronoun) yang menawarkan korelasi kata tersebut dengan kata lain dalam sebuah kalimat.


Daftar Kata Preposition


PrepositionArtiContoh Kalimat
AboutØ Di sekitar/ sekeliling


Ø Kira – kira/ sekitar


Ø Tentang

Ø  There are trees about her school.


Ø  The time you need to go there by bus is about 2 hours.

Ø  He does not want to tell me about his problem.

AboveØ Di atasØ  The crystal lamp is hanging above me and it is so beautiful.
Across fromØ Di seberangØ  The post office is located across the hospital.
AfterØ Mengikuti


Ø Setelah

Ø  Nick Jr. got the name after his father, Nick Jonas.

Ø  I will go to a market after finishing my homework.

AgainstØ Pada


Ø Berlawanan

Ø Melawan


Ø  Please put the paintings against the wall!

Ø  What he said is against the truh.

Ø  Dino wanted to fight against his senior in his school.

AlongØ SepanjangØ  There are many Oak trees along the road.
AmongØ Di antara (lebih dari dua)Ø  The birthday girl wears red dress among the other girls who wear white ones.
AroundØ Di sekitar


Ø Di sekeliling

Ø  Don’t go around that forbidden place!

Ø  The man ties a cloth around his head.

AtØ Ke


Ø Pada (waktu)

Ø Di

Ø  All people looked at me when I was reading a poem.

Ø  The school ends at 2 pm.

Ø  They are going to make a sand castle at the beach.

BeforeØ Di depan


Ø Sebelum

Ø  He parks his car before the library.

Ø  The students bought some souvenirs before going back home.

BehindØ Di belakangØ  The girl behind me is still crying.
BelowØ Di bawahØ  His score is below the passing grade.
BeneathØ Di bawahØ  My brother hides the ball beneath his bed.
BesideØ Di sampingØ  There is a refrigerator beside the cupboard.
BesidesØ SelainØ  Besides watching movies, reading novel is her other hobby.
BetweenØ Di antara (dua)Ø  Bintang sits between his twin cousins.
BeyondØ Di luarØ  What happened was beyond my imagination.
ByØ Pada


Ø Di dekat

Ø Melewati


Ø Oleh/ dari


Ø Dengan


Ø  Sinta is going to London by Monday.

Ø  I am standing by you.

Ø  The police officers run by my house.

Ø  That is a great novel written by a great author.

Ø  The children go to school by bikes.

DespiteØ MeskipunØ  Despite the heavy snow, he goes to the market.
DownØ Ke bawah/ turunØ  The old woman walks down the apartment carefully.
DuringØ SelamaØ  The snow is falling during winter.
ForØ Karena


Ø Selama


Ø Untuk

Ø  She gave me her novel for she knew I loved it.

Ø  We will have a holiday for a week.

Ø  Vira buys a necklace for her mother

FromØ DariØ  He receives a message from his school principal.
InØ Pada (waktu)


Ø Di (tempat)


Ø Di dalam

Ø  We always have breakfast in the morning.

Ø  The students swim in the swimming pool.

Ø  You can find some juice and apples in my fridge.

IntoØ Ke dalamØ  The chef pours the milk into a bowl.
NearØ Di dekatØ  His house is near the cinema.
OfØ Tentang

Ø Dari

Ø  Do you always think of me?

Ø  The chair is made of the best wood in town.

OnØ Pada (waktu)

Ø Di atas

Ø  Adit goes for swimming on Sunday morning.

Ø  The phone on the table is ringing.

OverØ Di/ ke seluruh


Ø Melampaui


Ø Di atas

Ø  I dream of visiting countries all over the world.

Ø  The audience attending this schow is over 2000 people.

Ø  We have spent 4 days over the sea.

SinceØ Karena


Ø Sejak

Ø  Since he is old, he is not be able to lift heavy things anymore.

Ø  He has been sick since two days ago.

ThroughØ MelaluiØ  We walk through the jungle.
ThroughoutØ Di seluruhØ  Jackson is well-known throughout the world.
TillØ Hingga/ sampaiØ  The boys played football till evening.
ToØ Ke/ pada

Ø Untuk

Ø  I want to go to Paris.

Ø  The man comes to attend the meeting.

Toward(s)Ø TerhadapØ  Gina’s attitude towards her boyfriend is very bad.
UnderØ Di/ ke bawahØ  The headset is under the table.
UntilØ Hingga/ sampaiØ  We will watch movies until we fall asleep.
UpØ Ke atas/ naikØ  I am too tired that I cannot walk up the stairs anymore.
UponØ Di/ di atas (permukaan)/ padaØ  The butterfly lands upon my shoulder.
WithØ Dengan/ bersamaØ  Jimmy goes to cinema with his friends.
WithinØ Di dalamØ  There is a swimsuit within her bag.
WithoutØ TanpaØ  I won’t go to the beach without my sister.


Demikianlah daftar Preposition Bahasa Inggris terlengkap beserta arti dan pola kalimatnya. Semoga daftar tersebut sanggup bermanfaat bagi sobat – teman. Terima kasih.


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